Tongue Capacity

I’m sure before fifth grade I learned the gluteus maximus is the strongest muscle in the human body. And recently acknowledged this fact again as my family enjoyed yet another game of Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader? Well what else can be a strong portion of the human body? The tongue. If able, this muscle can be the most powerful, hurtful flow of one’s form.
At some time or another, we attempt to control our tongue by managing our inner thoughts. But it’s always those times where it just rolls right out into the atmosphere whether a positive or negative light.


I tend to challenge myself {it sure isn’t easy}. Even though God knows my heart he has also given me the choice on whether to act on what my mind or heart is recollecting. Do I intend to let these thoughts guide my outward behavior by impacting someone with the corruption of a few words rolling off my tongue? Or do I travel into a deeper impact with the realization of changing my thoughts and recognizing I could look outwardly with a whole new perception and prevent a pitfall?

This one muscle is just so resourceful.

I whisper and weep praises to the Lord. I sing lullabies to the babe. I express affection to those closest to me. I solicit wanted and unwanted advice for good or better.

Oh those desires to think before you speak are catching up.


There is a pristine picture one has painted prior to utilizing the tongue. The canvas and the brush can swivel either way according to that one muscle. Which way will one choose?

Published by

Dorothy Sprinkle

How about that life n Asia? Literally. An introvert growing to be a blogger. Channeling my taste, eclectic style with a little bit of a vintage attitude. I enjoy setting trends while staying clear of fads. Individuality will always be key, based on my unique personality. It's not about the popularity, it's showing who you truly are as a person. Cues, comments & critiques are welcomed. #travel #love #motherhood

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